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Machu Picchu Perú

When is the best time to visit Machu Picchu?

The best time to visit Machu Picchu largely depends on your preferences for weather, crowd sizes, and overall travel experience. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the different seasons and their respective advantages and disadvantages:

Dry Season (May to September)


  • Weather: This period is characterized by dry, sunny weather, making it ideal for outdoor activities and photography.
  • Hiking Conditions: Trails are generally in good condition, and visibility is excellent, which is especially beneficial for trekkers on the Inca Trail.
  • Clear Views: The lack of rain means fewer clouds and better views of Machu Picchu and the surrounding mountains.


  • Crowds: This is the peak tourist season, particularly from June to August, so expect larger crowds and higher prices for accommodation and tours.
  • Booking in Advance: Due to the high demand, tickets for Machu Picchu, the Inca Trail, and other popular activities may need to be booked several months in advance.

Shoulder Seasons (April to May and September to October)


  • Balanced Weather: These months offer a balance between the dry and wet seasons, with fewer crowds compared to the peak season.
  • Milder Crowds: Tourist numbers are lower than during the peak months, making for a more pleasant experience.
  • Good Conditions: Weather is still generally good for hiking and sightseeing.


  • Unpredictable Weather: There might be occasional rain showers, so it’s wise to be prepared with appropriate gear.

Wet Season (November to March)


  • Fewer Tourists: This is the off-peak season, so there are significantly fewer tourists, which can make for a more peaceful visit.
  • Lush Scenery: The landscape is particularly green and vibrant due to the frequent rains, making for beautiful scenery.


  • Rain: Expect frequent rain, which can make hiking and outdoor activities less enjoyable and sometimes hazardous.
  • Trail Closures: The Inca Trail is closed in February for maintenance, and other trails may be muddy or slippery.
  • Cloud Cover: Cloudy conditions can obscure views of Machu Picchu and the surrounding mountains.


  • Best Overall Time: The dry season (May to September) is ideal for those prioritizing good weather and hiking conditions, despite the larger crowds.
  • Best for Avoiding Crowds: The shoulder seasons (April to May and September to October) offer a good compromise between favorable weather and manageable crowd sizes.
  • Best for Budget Travelers: The wet season (November to March) is suitable for those looking for fewer tourists and lower prices, as long as they are prepared for rain and less predictable weather.

Ultimately, the best time to visit Machu Picchu depends on your personal preferences regarding weather, crowds, and travel experience.

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